Monday, October 11, 2010

Cant think of a cool tittle

How can I go on writing in here? I cant. Not anymore. And the thing about ONLY YOU reading my blog is bullshit. Other people read it too. But they dont know me. So, its easy. I dont get uptight....but with you.... not a chance.... I cant. What you gonna say? For me not to say such things because life is beautiful and that you know I love to laugh? Just like last time?
When you meet someone complicates everything. I met you in person. I guess I will have to write somewhere else. But i cant say intimate things in here KNOWING that you will be readin 'em.
Eu tambem nao sei seu nome todo. Porque vc quer saber onde eu trabalho, se eu estou namorando ou nao? What I have been up to these days? WHY WOULD YOU CARE?

You wanna know too much and say too little. Actually , you say only ask and ask.
I wonder why is that.

3 years passed, you moved on with your life and I moved on with mine.


study hard,
get all A's
gosh..I am thinking about 100 thousand things at the same time. My brain will explode. And OZ is on.