Monday, June 27, 2011

Will it get better?

There're so many things to do.
Vistoria do P está feita. Mas a do G nao está. " Nao existem vagas ainda senhora"
Lanternagem precisa ser feita. Comprar uma bateria nova. Senao nao vai passar no teste de poluíção eu acho.
Resolver o problema da agua.
Resolver o problema do gaz.
How about putting a bullet thru my head? There! It will all be gone.
I'm cold.
Wanna a bath. Sick of showers. Wanna lay there in hot hot hot water with lots of soap and shampoo. Dont mind if my skin gets red. It will. It has before. Is there something more relaxing than a very HOT BATH? Ohhh....
Who on earth read this crap?
I need to get my coat. Shivering.


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