Thursday, June 15, 2006

O Horror da Tsunami

Homem, segura o braço de seu filho morto pela Tsunami.
Ele tem nome, como todos nós temos. Infelizmente isto não é relevante para os fotógrafos. E se este homem fosse você?

Indira Mariyappam, her arms spread, wept insolably over the dead body of her sister-in-law who had helped the single mother bring up her three kids.
Indira Mariyappam, chora compulsivamente perto do corpo de sua cunhada, que a ajudou a criar seus três filhos.

The Spirit of Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn And UNICEF in the 1980's.

Audrey Hepburn tours a UNICEF-assisted food supply project in the northern Amhara region of Ethiopia. Her 1988 visit drew attention to the continuing toll of the droughts that have plagued the country even after the epic famine of the mid-1980s.

Audrey Hepburn joins children outside a school in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. During her 1989 visit to Bangladesh, she toured UNICEF-supported immunization, water and sanitation, and formal and non-formal education projects.

Hepburn with children in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She met with leaders of Bangladesh's government and with national and international media during her 1989 visit.

Hepburn travelled to Viet Nam in 1990, drawing world attention to the needs of the country's children. Here, she visits the children of the Truon Pho Thong school at Phu Minh Commune, in the Tu Liem district near Hanoi.

Children accompany Hepburn on a walk in the hamlet of Phuc Ly, at Phu Minh Commune in the Tu Liem district near Hanoi.